Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sunrise on the Battery

...yawn... It was difficult to get through this book because it was so slow moving.  The story was rather dull - even a miraculous healing and dealing with a teenage drug issue were never fully developed to be a page turner.   It seems that the front and end of the book are just filler around the big event that changes all their lives.

I was even surprised that the book went where it did - such as seeming to promote The Message translation (why can't she just be reading the Bible?) and how quickly and easily one of the characters considered a certain path. Sorry, I can't get into to that storyline further, would hate to spoil it for you in case you ever decide to read this book.  Although, I was disappointed with the book and wouldn't recommend it - perhaps you will have a different opinion...

Disclosure: Thomas Nelson Publishers provided me with a complimentary copy of this book as part of their book review bloggers program.

I review for BookSneeze

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